Way Kambas Video Trap

Enjoy the Way Kambas National Park endangered mega fauna and other rare wildlife species caught in video. Find mother and baby of Sumatran rhino, challenging young male Sumatran tiger, big family of Sumatran elephant, funny Malayan sun-bear and curious Malayan tapir.

Way Kambas: The Best Asian Night Birding

It was written by Janos Olah & Attila Simay in Birding Asia magazine, on 2007. Not only the great variety of the otherwise scarce and hard to-come-by species is what makes this national park world-famous, but also the relative ease in finding them. No other place in sumatra that has 4 species of Frogmouth.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Started from early June 2010, the Bungur Reforestation Project has begin to meet some significant progress. This long term (15 to 20 years) Reforestation Project funded by the Rainforest Rescue and Save Indonesian Endangered Species (SIES), located in Bungur Section of Way Kambas National Park, which was one of the primary habitat of Way Kambas National Park important species, and has suffer from frequent forest fire and illegal logging during the last 20 years.

Three species are chosen as the first year trees species reforestation plant. Seedling, and cutting of tree’s of Sungkai (Pheronema sp.), Mentru (Schima sp.), and Sempu (Dillenia sp.) are prepared on a nursery for 5 – 7 months, and than planted to the degraded habitat around the Reforestation basecamp in Bungur sub-section. 4000 seedling will be planted on 10 hectares plot, covering 20 hectares area, with checker board planting system. More than 2000 more seedling are prepared as replanting (replacing dead seedling) seedling.

All the land preparing, fire break establishment/inspection trail and planting will be conduct on January 2011, when all the seedling ready and plenty of rain for couple month. We also conduct a caring treatment of the existing pioneer trees around the basecamp area. Land clearance from imperata grass 1,5 meters around the existing pioneer trees is proven to be significantly increasing the tree grows. Workers from nearby village are employed for most of the activity. While WKNP rangers and the conservation team play their role as area protection officer, activity organizer, and administration staff.

Until the end of December, More than 5000 seedling are ready to be planted. The Sungkai and Mentru has the most growth progress with the roots already breaking the polybag, and the leaf are fresh and thick. While Sempu, even has only a few leafs, the roots are healthy and ready.


We already planted more than 70 seedlings around the basecamp, as trial planting and enriching the trees around the basecamp area. Also more than 200 caring treatment of the existing pioneer trees has been done.

Beside the reforestation activity, one most important outcome of this project is the area protection. With the establishment of the basecamp, the 24 hours guarding, and all the reforestation activities, has success on keeping the area secure from forest fire and other illegal activities, that once happen very frequent and causing a wide destruction of the habitat. With the area being secure, the natural succession process of the habitat would certainly supported.

By Dicky Tri Sutanto

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