Way Kambas Video Trap

Enjoy the Way Kambas National Park endangered mega fauna and other rare wildlife species caught in video. Find mother and baby of Sumatran rhino, challenging young male Sumatran tiger, big family of Sumatran elephant, funny Malayan sun-bear and curious Malayan tapir.

Way Kambas: The Best Asian Night Birding

It was written by Janos Olah & Attila Simay in Birding Asia magazine, on 2007. Not only the great variety of the otherwise scarce and hard to-come-by species is what makes this national park world-famous, but also the relative ease in finding them. No other place in sumatra that has 4 species of Frogmouth.

Monday, February 12, 2018

Elephas maximus sumatranus
Sumatran elephant (Elephas maximus sumatranus) has been categorized into "critically endangered" by the IUCN Red-List. More effort is needed to restore Sumatran elephant population and proportional distribution in wild. Fragmentation and habitat degradation, as well as poaching are the main factors caused declining of elephant population in nature. The existence of elephants is currently divided into three groups: the elephants in their natural habitat, elephants residing in conservation institutions such as zoos and elephants that are placed in the Elephant Training Center (ETC). The government created ETC in 5 locations, among others in Lampung, Bengkulu, Palembang, Riau and Aceh.

In the implementation, ETC management gets various problems. One of the issues that need to be immediately resolved is the availability of feed with adequate quality and quantity. In the principle, government has been provided budget for the procurement of feeds, but the quality and quantity has been not fulfilled yet.

In ETC Way Kambas National Park (WKNP) the elephant get food in two mechanisms, the grazing and additional feed from outside area. In the dry season, the natural feed (grazing) will be decreased, and the additional feed (coconut leaves) should be imported from afar. Making the elephant food farm in ETC area is one of the main alternatives to sufficient of elephants nutrition.  Before the elephant food farm are made, it is necessary to make protective canals for protect plans from wildlife herbivore.

AleRT in collaboration with WKNP and the Save Indonesia Endangered Species (SIES) support partner, already excavates 2.8 hectare protective canal in ETC. The canal is 2x2 meters, built surrounded 20 hectares of land that will be elephant food farm. A water reservoir (that call Embung) between the canal area at large 40 x 20 meters and depth 6 meters has been made. The resevoir function is to hold water in the rain season and to be source of water during the dry season. This activity has began in early November 2017 and finished on 26 December 2017.
the protective canals and water reservoir

In Addition, we also have been made the protective canal of young elephant areas. The canal was intended for keep young elephant from visitor access that may carrier of any parasites. It is a prevention to keep elephant healthy. Young elephant is highly potential parasites infection. Some of young elephant was death it caused parasite infection.

Elephant protective canal
After the activity, ALeRT expects that elephants health and feed in the future can be fulfilled, thus elephants in ETC WKNP live in welfare.
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